Procedures for manuscripts are based on the anonymity of the author and the confidentiality of readers’ and editors’ reports; author anonymity is preserved, as well, during the editorial decision-making process. Self-references should therefore be removed. Referees are drawn from Princeton and other institutions; published articles have usually been reviewed by the editors and at least two readers from other institutions. Referees for the previous calendar year are acknowledged in the October issue of the journal.
World Politics does not accept manuscripts that have already been published, are scheduled for publication elsewhere, or have been simultaneously submitted to another journal; this applies to both print and online formats. Statements of fact and opinion appearing in the journal are the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply the endorsement of the editors or publisher. The journal does not publish communications to the editor or rejoinders to specific articles. Scholars who believe they have been challenged are encouraged to submit an article that will advance the scholarly debate.
Manuscripts should be submitted with an abstract to Manuscript Central. Word count should be indicated. Research articles and review articles may be up to 12,500 words in length, including notes. Tables, figures, and appendixes need not be included in the word count. Authors can expect to receive decisions on their submissions within four months.